Q/A with senior football captain Kaden Jones

Rider Media

Kaden Jones is one of four senior football captains

The Rider Raiders practice and play by the motto “Pamoja,” which translates to “together.” If you asked senior Kaden Jones, one of the four captains, he would say that describes the football team’s dedication to the sport and each other. To him, football is a sport where everyone works together.

As senior night is here, The Rider Chronicle interviewed  Jones in order to reflect on his three years as a Raider, and new opportunities he has experienced as a captain.

Q: What has being a captain meant to you?

A: It’s an honor to be chosen by the guys and have their respect and to lead the team in the right direction. It’s definitely one of those things where its easier said than done because you have to take the bad games but also give out props to the good games, and not only take responsibility for the good games, but take responsibility for the bad ones as well. 

Q: What is your favorite memory playing football at Rider?

A: Junior year, the Odessa game. We won at the very last second, like their big o-linemen caught the ball and got thrown down at the 1-yard line. 

Q: Looking back as a sophomore, did you expect to make it as far as being a star receiver on varsity?

A: I did not have any expectations, it was my first year. I thought I could go out there and give it a try. I definitely did not expect to be where I am today, but I’m very grateful for that. 

Q: How did the past captains influence you?

A: Coleman (Bledsoe) and Keiran (Shaw) were really close to me. They showed me what a captain should be like. 

Q: What do you do to influence others as a captain?

A: I don’t let them slack, you just got to be on them.

Q: Are there any surprises you’ve experienced while being captain?

A: The coaches are different toward you. You have to be your best every day, which was kind of surprising. I thought I would be able to practice how I always have, but now I have to practice my best every practice or I’m getting yelled at.

Q: What has being a part of the Rider football program meant?

A: It has gotten me a lot closer to the guys, and I have a lot of new friends. It’s definitely something that I’m very prideful about. It means a lot to me. 

Q: How is it different from the sports you played before switching to football?

A: Football is definitely a team thing, everyone has to be on the same page. With baseball, it’s an individual sport. You really have to learn how to play alongside other people (in football). 

Q: What’s your final message to your team before you move on?

A: No matter what happens with football, God has your back.