Make Your Voice Heard

There are only 272 days until the 2016 Presidential Election. When the day finally arrives on Nov. 8, the United States will choose the next leader of the nation. The voice of this generation rides on the seniors.

As they transition into adulthood, the seniors need to register to vote to ensure that their voice is heard and not lost amongst all of the squabble of the older generations.

People don’t listen to teenagers. No one takes the time to sit and address the problems high school students face like minimum wage. No one cares because teenagers do not contribute to the discussion by voting. All it would take is one time. One time for the students that are 18 to come together and voice the concerns that are legitimate to this age.

The Texas state requirements for voting eligibility outlines people are eligible to vote in Texas if: you are a U.S. citizen, you are a resident of the county where you submit the voter registration application, you are at least 18-years-old on Election Day, you are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole) and you have not been declared mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote by a court.

The baby boomer generation laughs at the millennials because they think the millennials are ignorant to the facts. If the seniors don’t step up and act in this election, they are only living up to their label. Teenagers matter. The issues students face matter, but they only matter if students stop whining about the situation they are in and take action to make it known.

It’s too late to vote in the primaries, that voter registration deadline passed. But don’t let the election that selects our Commander-in-Chief pass while you gripe at home about the candidates. Turn the polls come November.