Harley Shelton is a senior captain for the Rider cheerleading squad this season. (Bella Groves/Rider Media)
Harley Shelton is a senior captain for the Rider cheerleading squad this season.

Bella Groves/Rider Media

Q/A with senior cheer captain Harley Shelton

September 15, 2021

Senior night is approaching this Friday, and many organizations will recognize the Class of 2022 on the field during this annual tradition. The Rider Chronicle is having a series of Q/As with the leaders of each organization this week.  

Cheer captain Harley Shelton sat down with the Rider Chronicle to discuss her personal goals as well as her time spent as a Rider cheerleader. 

Q: How long have you been in cheer and why have you stayed this long?

A: I’ve been doing cheer since freshman year, and I got onto varsity sophomore year. Being captain has been so rewarding. Just being able to cheer on the team, and getting to make relationships with the girls, knowing that you’re making an impact on how their year is going to go. 

Q: What makes cheer special for you? 

A: All of the relationships. I’ve made some of my best friends from cheer. It has also taught me self-discipline, and to manage my time better.

Q: What do you want to accomplish your senior year, both personally and within cheer?

A: With cheer, I’m not sure if I want to do it in college yet. Hopefully I’m going to try to get better, and possibly try out. Personally, I want to focus on making good grades, and getting into a really good school, so that I can focus on getting a really good career later on in my life. 

Q: What’s your favorite memory of cheer?

A: Probably all of the game days and getting ready for pep rallies the night before. It’s a lot of work, but it’s always so much fun. 

Q: What will you miss once you leave?

A: Just getting to see all of my best friends every day, and seeing coach (Ashtyn) Huff all the time – she’s just the best coach – I’m going to miss them a lot. 

Q: What have you learned as a member of cheer? 

A: I learned how to manage my time and how to be like a role model. I learned how to set a good example for everybody. I know there are younger girls and just other girls our age who are looking up to me because I’m the senior captain. 

Q: How have you changed since your freshman year and why?

A: So many ways. I think I’ve matured in every aspect. I think I’ve gotten more focused on school as I’ve gotten older, and just making myself better to focus on getting done what I need to get done. Everything about college, cheer and now I have a job. 

Q: What do you want to do after high school? Why? 

A: Right now, I’m not sure what college, but I kind of want to go to Baylor. I want to go to college and study to hopefully be something in the medical field, some sort of doctor or nurse, and either do cheer or some sorority. 

Q: Last message to your team. What do you want them to know?

A: I want them to know that they’re the biggest blessing, and I’m thankful to everything that every single girl contributes to our team. I just love them all so much.

About the Contributor
Photo of Sandra Le
Sandra Le, Assignments Editor

Le has been part of the newspaper since she was a freshman. She enjoys watching horror movies, listening to all kinds of music, collecting stuffed animals...

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