Students have enjoyed the return of a somewhat-normal school year with the return of school events. (Isabella Groves)
Students have enjoyed the return of a somewhat-normal school year with the return of school events.

Isabella Groves

Year of growth

Learning to cherish the little blessings of life

December 9, 2021

This time last year, the overbearing thought swirling around most people’s minds was “When will the world go back to normal?” Though we haven’t, and might never, get back to how life was pre-COVID fully, progress has definitely been made.

The starting point, and probably the biggest factor of our moving forward, can be contributed toward vaccines. With the release of them in early 2020, as well as the allowance of the COVID vaccines for those 5 and up plus boosters, we have progressed majorly. Masks have finally been (partially) put away and as a whole the world feels safer.

On a more local level, having a normal Rider/Old High week was very exciting and sentimental, especially as a senior. The opportunity to partake in the senior skit, witness The Happening, support friends during performances, such as the Mr. and Miss Raider dances and the Round-Up Band, and of course beating the Coyotes yet again are vital memories I know I will savor. 

It’s even been nice to get back to the mundane motions of everyday life. Making a quick Target run without digging in your glove box for an old, wrinkled-up medical mask. Getting to grab lunch with family and friends. Coming to school, which students tend to dread as the years go on, has been an exciting return to basic human interaction. 

Throughout everything, we have learned to be more thankful for the little things, like holidays with family. Getting to have a Thanksgiving, as well as Christmas, with my family is what I am most thankful for after everything. The chats and laughs are what I treasure the most, especially now.

Though many things have been learned over the past year, I believe the most important one is to appreciate what you have while you have it. Savor the blessings in your life while they are here, but don’t dwindle on the fact they may disappear. Utilize the hardships as learning lessons, to better yourself and those around you. Life isn’t perfect and never will be. It is a constant circle. Live the life you love and love the life you live, it’s the only one you’ve got.

All in all, we still have a long way to go. That doesn’t mean, however, we can’t cherish the progress we have already made while striving to make more.

About the Contributor
Photo of Olivia Davenport
Olivia Davenport, Editor-in-Chief

If you pass the newspaper room and hear a mix of 70s rock, indie pop and Taylor Swift blaring, that's probably because Davenport is auxing . She loves...

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